“Invest in experiences, not things; memories last a lifetime.”


Hi there! I am Shivani, and if there is one thing that defines me more than anything else, it is my love for travel and art. Growing up, my family's tradition of one vacation a year was something I eagerly anticipated, often spending hours flipping through travel magazines and watching TLC, excitedly sharing my newfound knowledge with anyone who would listen. Inspired by the saying ‘a picture is worth a thousand words,’ I began capturing the essence of each trip by painting the iconic places I visited.

My passion for travel blossomed early on. When we visited Mysore and Ooty in 2007, I was only 12 years old, but I already had strong opinions on the sights I wanted to see. By 2016, during our trip to Kerala, my parents had fully entrusted the trip planning to me.

Now, as an adult, travel is my greatest passion. After clocking out from my 9 to 5 job, you will find me devouring travel blogs and videos, daydreaming about my next adventure. If I had a penny for every time I reminded myself to go to work just to fund my next trip, well, I would probably have enough for my next trip!

Over the past decade, I have journeyed across India—from the lush landscapes of Kerala to the snowy peaks of Kashmir, and the vibrant culture of Maharashtra to the serene beauty of Meghalaya. My wanderlust has also taken me to 14 countries across 4 continents, including the USA, Western Europe, Uganda, Thailand, the Maldives, and the Middle East. With upcoming trips to Indonesia and South Africa, my travel map is ever-expanding.

I believe that a memorable trip requires meticulous planning and research. Every adventure of mine is accompanied by an extensive, multi-tabbed Excel spreadsheet. I enjoy diving into the local culture, savoring both the must-see attractions and the hidden gems off the beaten path.

But my adventures do not end when I touch down back home. I relive my journeys by painting the breathtaking sights and emotions I experienced (and sometimes, I pitch my next vacation to my husband with a painting of our dream destination!).

While physical travel is often restricted by mundane things like visas and fighting with my boss for leave, that has never held me back from traveling vicariously to every place on my bucket list. I have found no better outlet for my travel bug than encouraging family and friends to travel, and helping them design the perfect itinerary for their personality.

Through this website, I am excited to offer you curated destination guides, customized itinerary planning services, and travel-inspired art—all crafted from firsthand experience and meticulous research. Let us create unforgettable memories and bring your travel dreams to life—one adventure at a time!

Scenic view of Lake Eibsee with Bavarian Alps in the background, featuring clear waters and snow-capped peaks
View of Lake Como from Villa Monastero gardens, showcasing lush greenery and serene waters

Discovering My Travel Style: A Perfect Blend of Comfort and Adventure

If there's one thing you should know about me, it's that I love to explore the world in comfort and style. Let me take you on a journey through my travel style, where every trip is a balanced mix of adventure, relaxation, and meaningful experiences.

Embracing Comfort with a Touch of Elegance

I'm not a backpacker—far from it. When I travel, I believe in the magic of good accommodation. There's something incredibly satisfying about staying in places with pleasing and relaxing aesthetics, where modern amenities meet traditional charm. Think cozy boutique hotels, charming villas, or serene resorts that feel like a home away from home. After all, a good night's sleep in a beautiful setting can make all the difference in your travel experience.

Balancing Relaxation and Exploration

While I do enjoy some downtime, you won't find me lounging by the beach all day. I can spend a couple of hours soaking up the sun by the pool or the beach, but after that, my explorer spirit kicks in. I love to dive into the local culture, engage in unique activities, and uncover hidden gems. Each day of my travel includes at least one unique activity, be it a cooking class, a historical tour, or a scenic hike.

Engaging with the World

One of the most enriching aspects of travel is meeting new people. I cherish the conversations I have with locals and fellow travelers, learning about their lives, cultures, and perspectives. These interactions broaden my horizons and make my journeys even more meaningful.

Savoring Local Flavors

Now, let’s talk about one of my absolute favorite aspects of travel—food! For both my husband and me, being foodies isn't just a hobby; it's a way of life. Every time we visit a new country, we make it a point to dive headfirst into the local cuisine. Whether it's street food stalls, hidden gems recommended by locals, or fine dining experiences, we seek out the most authentic dishes and flavors. Enrolling in experiential food tours is a must-do for us, where we not only taste but also learn about the cultural significance and history behind each dish. I truly believe that trying new foods is an essential part of travel—those who stick to what's familiar miss out on the joy of pushing boundaries and discovering new flavors. Isn't that what travel is all about?

Comfort Over Convenience

When it comes to getting around, I prioritize comfort. I don't mind spending a bit more on a taxi or a rental car if it means a smoother, more enjoyable journey. Public transportation has its charm, but sometimes, the convenience and comfort of a private ride make all the difference. I also prefer taking quicker travel options, even if they come at a higher cost, to maximize my time exploring rather than commuting.

Mid-Range to Luxury: Value Matters

My travel style ranges from mid-range to luxury, always with an eye for value. I make conscious decisions on where to save and where to splurge. For instance, I might save on flights to afford a luxurious stay or a unique experience at my destination. It's all about finding that perfect balance to ensure a memorable trip without breaking the bank.

Adventures with a Soft Touch

I'm all for adventure, but you'll find me opting for softer thrills. While skydiving and bungee jumping aren't my thing, I do enjoy activities like snorkeling, gentle hikes, and wildlife safaris. For instance, swimming with nurse sharks in the Maldives was an exhilarating experience for me—an adventure with just the right amount of excitement.

Mountains Over Oceans (But Just Barely)

I'm a mountain lover at heart, enchanted by the serene beauty and tranquil vibes of high altitudes. My husband, on the other hand, is a water baby. While I enjoy a good beach day, my fear of deep water (thanks to a childhood incident) keeps me closer to the shore. Nevertheless, I always find joy in a mix of both terrains, making our trips diverse and exciting.

Traveling with Loved Ones

These days, I travel with my husband, sharing our adventures and making memories together. Before we got married, I explored the world with friends, family, and sometimes on my own. Each type of travel has its charm, but there's something special about discovering new places with your partner.

Tailored Recommendations

My preferences and experiences influence my travel suggestions, and I hope they resonate with you. Whether you're looking for comfort, unique activities, or meaningful interactions, I aim to offer insights to help you plan your perfect trip.

Happy reading and happy travels!